Semeon Kukormin – Zurich tango space

During the last 5 years, Semeon Kukormin became the most demanded Russian DJ in the world.

In this intensive period, he played music at more than a 100 international events and 500 milongas. Semeon is the resident DJ at many European festivals and marathons.

He is also an author of the DJ training course. The seminars were held in Russia and across the world more than 30 times. Now Semeon is developing an online version of his course.

He believes that a DJ should have good conversation skills. He should communicate clearly and listen carefully. А Jewish proverb says: “A person has two ears and only one mouth in order to listen twice as much as he speaks.” The DJ plays the music, listening with one ear to the dance floor, while with the other ear he is listening to…..
Let’s call it Tango.